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European selection  (A to I)

With so many countries making up Europe it made sense to be more selective and also the fact that much of my European travels were in the days when I took VHS video, so not a good enough quality to show here. But hopefully where I did take photographs, it gives you an flavour of what to expect.

(Please click on the photographs for more information)

Austria - Vienna

Austria - Vienna

If for you Vienna conjures up a vision of palaces and high status living in the 18th century, you won't be disappointed! Just a stroll around the central cemetery will see tombs of the likes of Beethoven, Brahms, and Schubert who would have walked the grounds of the Hofburg and Schönbrunn Palaces as we do today. Even if not a horse lover, catching a Lipizzaner training session in the Hofburg Palace is well worth doing.  

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

For me, day trips into Bosnia and Herzegovina were made while staying in Croatia. Just make sure the hire car has a cross border permit as border checks were made in my case. The bridge at Mostar is an iconic European image and the surrounding streets very touristy but having lunch at one of the many restaurants overlooking the Neretva river was most enjoyable.



Bulgaria has long been known for its Black Sea resorts such as Sunny Beach but venture inland and you'll find a variety of things to see be it mountain villages, tombs of ancient kings, scenic views, or relics of the communist era. A trip to Plovdiv will take you back to Roman times and wealthy 17th-century merchants.


The weather in September certainly lived up to its "sunny" reputation while the food was found to be delicious and particularly great value away from the seaside resorts. An easy place to visit.  



The turbulent history of the Balkan region is reflected in the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 miles of coastline divides the southern portion of Croatia from the north. But with the UNESCO city of Dubrovnik in the small southern enclave, this will always make it a popular tourist destination, even more since the Games of Thrones franchise filmed there.

With great mountain scenery and reliable weather, this part of Croatia is also a good base for excursions into Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although being a cruise ship favoured destination, expect  Dubrovnik to be very busy with visitors at times. Day cruises to the nearby islands are a delight.     



Another great destination where you should be able to find sunshine and good cuisine by the sea. Its geographical position means it has always been a crossroads so there is plenty of history from throughout the ages. Consider a week at either end of the island if you want to explore its entirety and cut down on driving. 


The north-south divide (Turkey/Greek) does seem bizarre in this day and age with most visitors staying in the more developed south. But there are some real gems on the Turkish side if you have the nerve to cross the border in a hire car.

Estonia - Tallinn

Estonia - Tallinn

Many people's experience of Estonia like mine will be of Tallinn, a medieval city which is hard to beat in its completeness, whether visiting on a cruise ship or, as in my case, a hydrofoil from Helsinki. 

Finland - Helsinki

Finland - Helsinki

Helsinki may not be seen as a front runner for a long weekend break but found a city with a compact centre and a feel good atmosphere. The market stalls by the quayside were great for fish-based snacks while the nearby island fortress of Suomenlinna was as if time had stood still. Also, consider a day trip across the Baltic to Tallinn.  

France - Paris & Provence

France - Paris & Provence

With so much to see in France, I see the country as a destination for proper exploration later in life. But who doesn't want to go to Paris? And the relaxed pace of life and the clean fresh air in the mountain villages of Provence has to be one of the reasons why so many people retire to this part of the world. I have to so say the Pont du Gard is one of the most remarkable Roman structures I've come across so far. 

Germany - Berlin

Gemany - Berlin

Living in Germany close to the Dutch border between 1991 - 1994 was an exciting time with the Berlin Wall having come down a year before. Suddenly travel into countries beyond the "Iron Curtain" was possible before mass tourism kicked in.


Visiting a Russian Air Army airshow in the old East Germany and having a joy ride in a Russian Mil 8 helicopter for 5 Deutsche Marks was surreal. Will always remember visiting Berlin and seeing the Trabants parked on the Eastern side of the Brandenburg gate in early 1992, by late 1994. But by 1994 all you saw were BMWs.


I visited again in 2008 (see the photographs below) with the transfer of the government from Bonn having been completed.

See the video section at the bottom of this page for footage shot in 1993



As you would expect, everything in Athens for the visitor revolves around the Parthenon. It might not be the most complete temple of the era but its pedigree and position on the Acropolis of Athens give it a grandeur second to none. Travel further out to the Penopolese and you encounter classical sites such as Delphi and Olympus while deserted medieval villages and even a city cling to the hilltops. The Greek islands will always be a draw with their beautiful coastlines and in many cases, colorful settlements.



Iceland's popularity has increased over the years and I can see why. Where else in Europe can you go out for the day and see geysers, thundering waterfalls and walk between two tectonic plates? Throw in other trips to walk on glaciers, spot whales or in certain seasons look for the northern lights and you are spoilt for choice. However the gamble you have to take is with the weather but the rewards are high.

I committed the cardinal sin of somehow deleting my photographs but not before doing completing my entry for the Iceland tourist board if they ever run a competition!  Watch the following (with sound) and see if it sells Iceland to you.




Play Video

Ireland - County Kerry

Kerry in southwest Ireland makes an ideal destination with Killarney geared up for the visitor being the gateway to the Killarney National Park. Throw in the Ring of Kerry tourist route, the chance to ascend Ireland's tallest peak and on a good weather day visit to "Star Wars" island (Skellig Michael), you'll understand that it's a must for those who love the great outdoors.


Having seen puffins at various locations, I've never been so close to them as Skellig Michael, just a couple of metres at times. For those who want to try out the legendary Irish hospitality, don't be fooled by the facade of Reidy's sweet shop on Killarney High Street. A visit to its inner depths may lead to late night. Probably just as well we didn't discover it until our final evening!      


Italy - Rome & Sicily

Italy - Rome & Siciliy

If you were to ask a person's favourite city/country, there's a good chance that Rome and Italy may feature for many. With an amazing historical back story, iconic cities, areas of outstanding natural beauty, and great cuisine and wine you can't really go wrong.


Having enjoyed the delights of Tuscany and places such as Verona and Venice, I more recently returned armed with a camera to Sicily and Rome, the latter for a second time. This is despite having an ethos of not going anywhere twice. That's the power of Rome!    

Grossenhain Air show 1992
Berlin Wall 1993
European video
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